Sunday, July 31, 2011

Vegetarian/ Vegan Glazed Apple Jelly Turnovers

2 cups flour
14 tbls chilled unsalted butter or vegan spread, cut into 1-inch pieces
1 large egg, lightly beaten (or 1/4 cup applesauce)
2 tbls sugar
1 tbls chilled heavy cream (or a blend of 3/4 cup Silk vegan soymilk, vanilla 1/4 tsp, 1/8 cup vanilla soy powder, 1 tbls rice syrup, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract, 1/2 tsp coconut extract, 1/2 cup oil, 1 tbls lemon juice)
2 tsp fresh lemon juice
1 tsp salt

In a large bowl, mix together with a beater, the flour, butter, egg (applesauce), sugar, cream, lemon juice, and salt and pulse until the dough starts gathering together in big clumps. Turn the dough out onto a counter and gather it together. Shape the dough as directed in the recipe you’re making.

The Apple Jelly recipe can be found here, though you can use any jelly or fruit preserve that has a very thick consistency. Bake at 380 degrees until lightly golden on the bottom.

Mix until smooth, one cup powdered sugar and five tsp of fresh lemon juice. Dribble on top of each turnover until daintily glazed. Avoid drowning them in the glaze or you will loose the flavor of the fruit inside the pastry.

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